Man leaning over rail in office

Fiduciary management

TPTIM provides more than a standard fiduciary management solution.

Our distinctive ownership model, ability to invest in a diverse range of asset classes, competitive pricing and expertise in sustainability - all backed by decades of experience - is not only sophisticated, but simplified for you.

Why TPT Investment Management?

TPT Investment Management (TPTIM) is an established fiduciary manager, providing professional, specialised investment management services.

Having started as the in-house investment operation at TPT, we now provide the same service, scale and expertise, but with improved flexibility, as TPTIM. 

Lady sat at desk with laptop
  • A distinctive ownership model and alignment of interests

    Our ownership structure is aligned with the pension schemes we work with and, with no external shareholders, our sole focus is consolidation.

  • The ability to invest at scale

    Our scale makes it possible to lower the barriers to a broader range of asset classes. 

  • Flexible, competitive pricing and operational simplicity

    Our fund structure is designed to reduce the barriers for schemes to access sophisticated investment strategies affordably and with operational simplicity.

  • We are an advanced and diversified sustainable investor

    We take an evidence-based, bottom-up approach to sustainable investing, allowing us to meaningfully address our commitments.

  • First-class customer service, featuring new technology and advanced reporting

    Our technology and reporting tools allow us to optimise portfolios in line with client objectives.

years of experience in the pensions sector
of DB assets under management (as at September 2023)
clients across the UK
  • Leverage TPTIM’s distinctive ownership model

    Creates a large internal market for assets which means where there is a buyer and a seller, assets can be exchanged with no costs or transaction fees. 

  • Sophisticated solutions, simplified

    Designed for schemes seeking advanced investment strategies without added complexity.

  • Unlock hidden investment opportunities

    Benefit from deep, diverse, and previously inaccessible assets tailored for pension schemes.

  • Pension fund expertise

    TPT is a pension fund dedicated to solving pension fund challenges.

Video: What set's us apart

Managing Director, Nick Clapp explains TPTIM's distinctive approach to fiduciary management.

Chat with us

Learn in more detail how we can support you with our fiduciary management service. 

You'll be able leave your details with us, schedule a call back and find answers to your questions. 

Our new fiduciary management service is dedicated to delivering superior outcomes for pension schemes and is backed by decades of experience. TPTIM's distinctive ownership model, ability to invest in a diverse range of asset classes, competitive pricing and expertise in sustainability means fiduciary management is not only sophisticated, but simplified for our clients.

Nicholas Clapp

Managing Director, TPT Investment Management

Responsible investing

While many companies have only recently started focusing on responsible investing, we’ve been doing it for years. It’s embedded in our investment process. Our scale gives us a real opportunity to make a difference to the world.

As a fiduciary manager, our aim is to ensure that our clients’ assets are managed not only to achieve strong financial returns but also to drive positive, long-term impact. 

  • Case study: Cracking the Stewardship Code

    As fiduciary manager for Verity Trustees Limited (VTL), TPT Investment Management (TPTIM) played an instrumental role in achieving signatory status of the Stewardship Code.

VTL’s acceptance as a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code showcases TPTIM’s commitment to working closely with clients to integrate their responsible investment objectives into our broader investment framework. Our approach emphasises a tailored partnership where client priorities are embedded into our services

Ines Cunha Pereira

Responsible Investment Manager , TPT Investment Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is TPTIM’s ownership model?

    TPTIM is owned by a pension scheme, with no external shareholders. Its singular focus is on consolidation, ensuring its interests are in line with its members.

  • What asset classes can schemes access through TPTIM's in-house funds?

    Pension schemes taking advantage of TPTIM’s fiduciary management service have access to three collective investment vehicles, with four further funds launching later in 2024.

    The Real Assets Fund, Secure Income Fund and Private Credit Fund have been seeded with a combined £1.45 billion of capital from TPT’s DB Master Trust.

    The funds have been designed by TPTIM to provide pension schemes with access to a wide range of investment strategies. These collective investment vehicles enable pension schemes to immediately achieve scale benefits across asset classes by aggregating with the assets in the Master Trust.

    Find out more:

  • How does TPTIM's scale benefit its clients?

    TPTIM’s scale allows it to focus on a wide range of asset classes, including illiquid and difficult-to-access investments across a range of private markets, for example infrastructure and private credit, providing broader opportunities for schemes.

  • Is TPTIM’s approach to scale truly different from other fiduciary managers?

    Yes. TPTIM’s fund structure enables smaller schemes to access strategies that were previously out of reach due to cost and complexity. This offers a broader opportunity set compared to other FM providers.

  • How does TPTIM’s pricing model differ from competitors?

    TPTIM offers flexible, transparent and competitive pricing, allowing it to quickly adapt to changing scheme requirements. This pricing approach makes TPT agile, enabling schemes to access sophisticated investments without incurring additional costs. We don’t need to invest in our own funds to drive revenue in other parts of the business. 

  • How does TPTIM approach sustainable investing?

    TPTIM takes an evidence-based, bottom-up approach to sustainable investing, integrating ESG factors into all investment decisions. This allows it to support sustainability commitments with real-world data.

  • How does TPTIM deliver cutting-edge technology solutions?

    TPTIM’s scale means that, in contrast to investing in off the peg solutions, our status as a development partner with market leaders such as, MSCI for risk management and Insight for Liability Driven Investment (LDI), we can actively contribute to the design of tailor-made products. This ensures technology and tools are aligned with client needs and offer real-world solutions.

  • Could TPTIM favour its parent, Verity Trustees, over scheme members?

    No. TPTIM’s governance structure and fiduciary duty to scheme members help to manage conflicts, underpinned by a robust Conflicts of Interest Policy.

  • Can TPTIM be held accountable if it underperforms?

    Yes. TPTIM is fully accountable to its trustees and scheme members. There are governance structures in place to make leadership or strategy changes, if necessary, to protect the interests of pension schemes.

Get in touch

Leave your details and we’ll be in touch, or drop us a line to tell us about your requirements and we’ll see how we can help. 

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