Information for scheme members

The Trustees of TPT have been running The Pensions Trust for over 75 years and have a long and dependable track record of paying pensions to scheme members. Over time, changes have been made to the scheme documentation and the Trustees have recently carried out an exercise that, amongst other tasks, looked to ensure that these historic changes were correctly made. They have been given legal advice that they should apply to Court for guidance so that the scheme documentation is clear and certain for the future. Please be reassured that your pension remains in safe hands and that this step is not unusual for schemes with a long history where the trustees want to ensure continued good governance. There are no changes to pensions being made at this time and members will continue to retire and receive their pensions as normal. If the Court decides that historic changes were not correctly made, then it is expected that pensions may be increased for some members. At this time we are not able to say which members this will apply to, as guidance from the Court is not expected until the end of 2024 at the earliest. There is nothing for you to do now. We are not able to answer questions about what this will mean for individual member benefits until we receive the Court’s guidance and have considered what, if any, steps should be taken as a result.
Further information
Should you wish to know more about the process, you can access further information by logging into your DB Online account. If you already have a DB Online account you will receive a separate email with a link to access your account.
If you do not have a DB Online account you can set one up by emailing us at with your name, date of birth, National Insurance number and membership number.
We will also post any updates about the process on DB Online.
If you do not have access to DB Online you can also contact us for further information by emailing: or writing to us at the address below.
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