David Robertson
Chair of TPT Retirement Solutions Limited
David became the Chair of TPT RSL in 2023 after holding previous roles as a Director of the Trustee Board and Chair of what used to be TPT's Management Oversight Board.
He's served on the Board’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee as a co-optee member since 2014 and was previously a member of the Board Governance Working Group.
David qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1985 with Coopers & Lybrand in Edinburgh. He spent a further nine years with that firm servicing a wide variety of businesses in the UK, Canada and the US. In 1994 he moved into industry where he took on Finance Director and Managing Director roles.
One of his key responsibilities in these roles was the management of occupational DB and DC pension schemes.
Since 2009 he has been providing business strategy, governance and other management consulting services to a wide variety of businesses in the financial services, manufacturing, retail, childcare, social housing and social investment sectors.
David holds a number of other Non-Executive Chair, Director and Committee positions with other organisations.