Where do independent financial advisers (IFAs) send a Letter of Authority (LOA)?


  • Members
  • General

To provide any information about an individual’s membership, we need to have a valid ‘Letter of Authority’ (LOA) signed and dated by the member, which explains what the third party is authorised to gather necessary information about them. It will need to contain the following member details to allow us to have confidence that we are able to release the relevant information:

  • their full name,
  • their full address including their postcode,
  • date of birth, and
  • National Insurance number

Please scan and email the letter to: enquiries@tpt.org.uk or post it to: TPT Retirement Solutions, Verity House, 6 Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5BQ so that we can hold it on our records and start the process of getting you the information you request. Please could you also note the members reference number(s) as this will help us when we set up our case(s).