What do I do if I'm too ill to work?


  • Members
  • DB Online
  • Retirement Savings Account
  • General

If there's medical evidence you're unable to work again in any capacity, your pension may be paid immediately, no matter how old you are.

If you sign into DB Online (if you are a member of a Defined Benefit scheme) your Retirement Savings Account (if you are a member of a Defined Contribution scheme) you will be able to request information on your eligibility for ill health early retirement.

If you do not use DB Online or your Retirement Savings Account, you can contact us directly. 

Defined Benefit members

If your application is approved, a reduction won't be applied to your pension benefits for early payment and you still have the option to take a tax-free lump sum. If your application for ill health early retirement is approved, we may need to periodically request updated medical evidence to ensure that you are still able to receive this benefit. If your circumstances change we could reduce or suspend your pension.

Check your member guide to see how your pension would be calculated if you retired because of health.

Serious Ill Health (Life expectancy less than 12 months)

If your life expectancy is less than 12 months, you could take your benefits as a tax-free, one-off payment. We would need evidence from a medical professional to confirm your life expectancy.

Defined Contribution members

If your application is approved, the current fund value would be paid to you no matter how old you are.